So to that end, I got a rhino hull (no hatches, no tracks, just cheap) and thought it would be funny to see a half-dozen boyz hop out of the top hatch.
The hardest part for me was building a big Klaw of Mork (or possibly Gork) |
This will make sense with the next few pictures. |
The shoulder piece here is a brass valve for a garden hose. The inside happens to fit up to a 1/4" bolt. |
Had to do some creative clipping and gouging to get that piece to fit. |
Turns out it's kinda heavy |
I have to find some way to counterbalance. |
This is a Forge World Supa Zappa Gun, which I bought two of recently. I want to use them as Kustom Mega Kannons, which is an important component of the Morkanaut. |
Still working on the right shoulder and legs, but I have some ideas. Magnets will become important. |
The last picture was the "aha moment" for me. I'm really excited to see this come to fruit!