Wednesday, February 22, 2017

How NOT to Put Down a Revolt

Final report from the Big Game. This was a full Ordo Xenos list investigating a potential cult uprising. Well, we have direct confirmation of a Patriarch on site. After this battle will be a reassessment as to how to actually remove the bastard.
This was my right flank after initial deployment vs Theo's Genestealer Cult army. Notice the unit already infiltrating behind my Deathwatch. By the way, that's my new Inquisitor in the middle there, near the cable spool. She was also the one staring out the window in the last batrep. She doesn't have a name yet. Anyone want to offer suggestions?

Tuesday, February 21, 2017

Commander Coldwind Un-upsets the Balance

This was the second game I played, Saturday morning. A completely different Inquisition team meets the Tau in one of the city's monument parks. The xenos had been methodically sweeping across the open plains for weeks. And now Silver Skulls Librarian-Prognosticar Bhehan, seconded to one of the Deathwatch kill-teams on Doric, forsees a pivotal battle around the Imperium's icons.
This is the table we were on. Each of the statues was an objective, with a random (D3) amount of VPs attached to each, to be determined at the end of the game.

Big Game 2017; First Game vs Greg

The warband sped through the desert. Attempting to wheel around the battle line being fought only a few kilometers away. The Chaos Warlord became aware of a handful of strangely marked vehicles in the distance through the telepathic link with his forward ranging bound daemon servants. The Rhinos appeared to be alone. Sensing that this was a likely trap, he also knew the glory seekers in his retinue would not be able to ignore the easy pickings. Dismounts were ordered and the summoning materiel was readied.

Sunday, February 12, 2017

Big Game 2017

 Once again I have several hundred pics from the D-Co Big Game. Apparently this was one of the biggest ever; over two dozen of us weirdos rolling dice, showing off our newest creations, and generally celebrating the hobby. Very cool.

This first set of pictures will be drawn from around the room throughout the weekend, more or less chronologically. I was not involved in any of these games, but I do still like to put some effort into a few that I thought could look really fun. You might notice a couple where I started experimenting with some filters. Take the one above for example. Orkamungus' Kondo was set up on this sweet desert highway table mat and it really screamed 'Mad Max' every time I walked by.

As always, feel free to ask if you'd like to save a copy of any images here. If you ask nicely I can probably even send the original file.

Stay tuned for a battle report or three regarding the games I played.