Tuesday, March 26, 2019


In which we view pict-captures from a special 3v2 event of nothing but stompy robots
It was something like 140+ PL of chaos Helbrutes, Contemptor Dreadnoughts, Blight Drones, and Blighthaulers

Versus an approximate amount of every type of Imperial Dreadnought and Dreadknight

This guy got delayed by a turn.
Also the other Grey Knight Dreadnought caught a bad case of the Perils.

Giant robo-treadmill

It was hard to pay attention to all the Iron Warriors stuff in hazard-stripe land

Neither of these models care to be in combat very much. So it goes.

I totally forgot how many turns we played, but it was super fun. Not only because my team won, either :)
It went by really fast, too.

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