Tuesday, December 17, 2013

According to the latest reports, the dreaded Warboss Orkamungus has landed on the planet Verigon. This abandoned mining world has been depleted of most resources -- at least those the Empire had any use for. But Mungus' meks have convinced him to delay moving deeper into the system in order to resupply. Big Mek Sootmouf in particular has designs that need to get out of his head and onto some kind of prometheum-fueled dreadfulness. Verigon has just the stuff an ork can use.

Pedro Cantor has heard these reports and brought a contingent of his most loyal veterans to wipe this threat from the planet. The planet itself is of no importance, but the hope is to blunt this Waaagh! before it can threaten the rest of the system. He also has a few new toys straight from the Adepti on Mars that are just itching to wreck some aliens.

The orkish monstrosities rumble into the clearing.

Pedro and Co. array themselves against the alien threat.
Turn 1 begins with lots of moving, snap firing, and jeering. Not much actually hits until a gleefully suicidal grot screams out of nowhere and vaporizes Pedro's bodyguard before his eyes. The power armor is starting to look quite outnumbered.

Turn 2: Orks crest the hill and a bow wave of shoota rounds spreads out in every direction. Several of the shiny new Centurions fall.

Several drop pods also fall.

Dreadnoughts drop in . . .
and draw beads on the battlewagons.
The wagons and bikes round the corner nearly uncontested, but the orks in the other table quarters are starting to take some casualties.

Those lootas are doomed.
Those, too.

In Turn 3, even DeffDread HuggaChukka's own cogs betray him, seizing up and briefly immobilizing it within pinching range of the enemy.

This Nephilim went completely unchallenged all game, helping to wreck a battlewagon and some Kans.

Turn 4: By now there is much less shooting. Of note is a squad of boyz who Deny the Librarian's hallucination -- "punchin' each uvver is a reward!"
Orkamungus is called out by sergeant Bane.

Mungus swats him down without pausing.

Only to turn into a flurry of powerfists.
Turn 5: As the Warboss is dragged off the field by his Nobz, the remaining battlewagon finally krumps that pesky whirlwind, only to be counter-krumped soon after.

Turns out that wagon was full of a whole mess o' boyz.

The game basically came down to a roll-off. The marines would have had it by kill points, but Turn 6 saw them concede to huge numbers of boyz. However, Pedro saw his personal mission through. Orkamungus has been laid low, effectively stranding the rest of the ork army to infighting on a forsaken husk of a planet. And orks remain da' best. Everybody wins.

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