Wednesday, February 24, 2016

BIG GAME 2016 -- part 2

As promised, these are all the pictures I took of games that took place on other tables throughout the weekend. So in no particular order, let's get to it!

But first, Conan.
Note the PBR case as light-blocking shade. This is a key piece of equipment.
Early on Friday night we had a primarch face-off. 
Sorry about this one being so dark. It's hard to find well-lit
pict-caps of Konrad Curze.

He died anyway. That's what you get for bringing throwing knives
to a wrist-mounted cannon fight.

The space hulk/ underground bunker was so badass

Zhwoooom! dakkadakkadakkadakka!

Sorry, I just can't get enough exposure on those damn Night Lords


There was a lot of debate over how this asshole got up here.


  1. Great job, there is an aura of darkness that surrounds Night Lords and makes it hard to capture their images...

  2. There are so many poster-worthy images you make.

    Let's say we pick *one* photo that you took, photoshop it however we need (eliminate dice, what-have-you) and make it into a poster with the d-company logo on it as prize support for next year?

    You should pick one of your best photos and I'll see what it takes to make it into a large-ish image on glossy stock.

    1. This is amazing. I'm very flattered and have already started to narrow down the possibilities. A quick try got me down to *only* twenty options. I'll get back to you when I've something better.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.
