Wednesday, September 6, 2017

Blitz the Tau

Inquisitor Sandan Plagio (in the middle white/purple razorback) leads a Red Hunters force on a Blitz of some hastily-defended Tau ramparts. The war to retake this planet has ground on much too long and Inquisitor Plagio impatiently pushes to end this engagement and get off-planet. A new call for aid has come from the region around old Mercia that needs his attention. If this battle goes well enough he can leave the prosecution of the remainder of the campaign to the reinforcing Primaris Marines.

Smoke launchers. Effective, eh?

Dragon Lords Veteran Valus Rike's zeal takes him deepest into the settlement. Give that marine a distance-running ribbon!

Failing to halt the tide of power armour and tank treads, the xenos make their escape under cover of collapsing ruins. This forgotten planet seems to hold importance for them in their further galaxy expansion. They won't give up the foothold in this system after only one battle, but today's victory will reduce their options in the continuing war.

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