Sunday, February 12, 2017

Big Game 2017

 Once again I have several hundred pics from the D-Co Big Game. Apparently this was one of the biggest ever; over two dozen of us weirdos rolling dice, showing off our newest creations, and generally celebrating the hobby. Very cool.

This first set of pictures will be drawn from around the room throughout the weekend, more or less chronologically. I was not involved in any of these games, but I do still like to put some effort into a few that I thought could look really fun. You might notice a couple where I started experimenting with some filters. Take the one above for example. Orkamungus' Kondo was set up on this sweet desert highway table mat and it really screamed 'Mad Max' every time I walked by.

As always, feel free to ask if you'd like to save a copy of any images here. If you ask nicely I can probably even send the original file.

Stay tuned for a battle report or three regarding the games I played.

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